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Schreibtisch mit Buch

talks & presentations

Augste, Künzell, Henz, & Medernach (2024). Research in Olympic Bouldering. Colloquium at the Institute of Exercise and Sport Informatics. German Sport University Cologne, DSHS (GER). Medernach & Hilbert (2023). Kleine Spiele - Große Wirkung? Oral presentation at the 2nd Symposium “Bewegung, mehr als nur Sport? Sport, mehr als nur Bewegung?”, LTPES (LUX). Medernach, Henz, & Memmert (2023). Memory in Bouldering. Oral presentation at the 6th International Rock Climbing Research Association Congress, Bern (CHE). Henz, Medernach, & Memmert (2023). Route Setting in Indoor Bouldering. Oral presentation at the 6th International Rock Climbing Research Association Congress, Bern (CHE). Memmert & Medernach (2023). Memory in Sports. Oral presentation, Luxembourg Academy of Sports Medicine, Physiotherapy, and Sports Science, Coque (LUX). Henz & Medernach (2023). The “art” of Route Setting. Colloquium at the Institute of Exercise Training and Sport Informatics, German Sport University Cologne (GER). Medernach & Remy (2022). Sport beginnt im Kopf. Symposium zur Bewegungserziehung für Kinder und Jugendliche, LTPES (LUX). Medernach, Joachim, & Memmert (2021). Intelligenz und Kreativität im Sport. Symposium at the Ecole Nationale de l´Education Physique et des Sports, Coque (LUX). Medernach & Kraska (2021). Sicherheit im Klettersport. Symposium at the Ecole Nationale de l´Education Physique et des Sports, Coque (LUX). Medernach, Dieudonné, & Memmert (2021). Introducing Indoor Bouldering to High School Students: a Self-Reported Perception Analysis of Various Short-Term Training Regimen. Oral presentation at the 23rd Annual International Conference on Education, Athens (GRE). Medernach, Jakob, & Memmert (2020). The System Board: an Effective Training Tool in Indoor Bouldering? Oral presentation at the 25th Anniversary Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Sevilla (SPA). Medernach, Kleinöder, & Lötzerich (2015). Vibration Training in Indoor Bouldering: Effects on Strength and Endurance. E-Poster at the annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Malmö (SWE). Medernach (2015). Ausdauer im Bouldern: Conditio sine qua non oder Nonsense? E-poster. National Climbing Community (LUX). Medernach (2014).Einführung in den Kraftsport. Ecole Nationale de l´Education Physique et des Sports, INS (LUX). Medernach (2014). Effect of Moonboard Training on Grip Strength in Bouldering. E-poster. National Climbing Community (LUX).


Medernach & Hilbert (2023). Kleine Spiele - Große Wirkung? Workshop at the 2nd Symposium “Bewegung, mehr als nur Sport? Sport, mehr als nur Bewegung?”, LTPES (LUX). Medernach (2022 - 2024). Fundamental Coaching Skills. National Institute of Physical Activity and Sports (LUX). Medernach (2022 – 2024). Coaching Soft Skills. National Institute of Physical Activity and Sports (LUX). Medernach (2021).Didaktik und Methodik: Kick-Off für ein erfolgreiches Coaching. National School of Physical Education and Sports (LUX). Medernach (2019). Basiswissen für die Betreuung einer künstlichen Kletter- und Boulderwand. Institute of Formation in National Education (LUX). Medernach (2019). Klettern: Tipps und Tricks für den Routenbau im Schulsport. Institute of Formation in National Education (LUX). Medernach (2018). The High Fives in Climbing and Bouldering – Vermittlung grundlegender Kompetenzen im Klettern und Bouldern für den Sportunterricht. Institute of Formation in National Education (LUX). Medernach (2016). Einführung in den Bouldersport – Bouldern in der Schule ”unterrichten”. Institute of Formation in National Education (LUX). Medernach (2016, 2018, 2020). Routenbau im Bouldern für den Schulsport. Institute of Formation in National Education (LUX). Medernach (2014). Einführung in den Kraftsport. Ecole Nationale de l´Education Physique et des Sports (LUX).


Medernach, Henz, Memmert, & Sanchez (2024). Role of Strategic Planning in Climbing Performance: The Case in Olympic Bouldering. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology. Sanchez, Henz, Martha, & Medernach (2024). Psychological Aspects of Elite Performance in New Olympic Disciplines: The Case of Climbing. The Inquisitive Mind. Henz, Sanchez, Memmert, & Medernach (2024). Profiling of Expert Bouldering Routesetters. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. Medernach, Sanchez, Henz, & Memmert (2024). Cognitive-Behavioural Processes During Route Previewing in Bouldering. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. Medernach, Henz, & Memmert (2024). Mechanisms Underlying Superior Memory of Skilled Climbers in Indoor Bouldering. Journal of Sports Science. Henz, Medernach, & Memmert (2021). Key Determinants of Accomplished Route Setter Skills in Indoor Bouldering. Central Library for Sport Sciences. German Sport University Cologne. Medernach & Memmert (2021). Effects of Decision-Making on Indoor Bouldering Performances: a Multi-Experimental Study Approach. PLoS ONE. Medernach (2018). Das Schoolboard: Ein methodisches Konzept zur Förderung des Boulderns im luxemburgischen Sportunterricht? Ministry of Education, Children, and Youth (LUX). Published in AV Akademikerverlag (ISBN-13: 978-6200658111). Medernach, Kleinöder, & Lötzerich (2016). Movement Demands of Elite Female and Male Athletes in Competitive Bouldering. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 16(3), 836-840. Medernach, Kleinöder, & Lötzerich (2015). Fingerboard in Competitive Bouldering: Training Effects on Grip Strength and Endurance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29(8), 2286-2295. Medernach, Kleinöder, & Lötzerich (2015). Effect of Interval Bouldering on Hanging and Climbing Time to Exhaustion. Sports Technology, 76-82. Medernach (2015). Einsatz sportartspezifischer Trainingsmethoden im Wettkampfbouldern. Dissertation. Central Library for Sport Sciences. German Sport University Cologne. Medernach (2015). Was bringt was? Wie effektiv sind welche Trainingsformen? Klettern (06/2015). Medernach (2011). Einsatz des Hangboards zur Steigerung der lokalen Kraftausdauer im Klettersport. Central Library for Sport Sciences. German Sport University Cologne. Published in AV Akademikerverlag (ISBN-13: 978-3639389340).

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